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Flatten Them Into A Set
flatten them into a set
important in determining
the dangers of knowing
this is hell
smoke and snow
a very big job
bouncing back and forth between
about the hungry ghosts
a dizzy blending of genres
such glorious specimens
the world next door
in deference to consumerist nostrums
a certain kind of peace
taste waste ahead
mystifying for the reader
precise departure point
kinging is a precarious business
their antiphonal proposal
whatever its other contributions
a common bond for disruption
an ensemble of equals
shades of chambray
who could prevail against it
stage name john wayne
the phone hotel
the impurity of their stocklines
resistant to identify
a wily pipsqueak shapeshifter
composed of satanists
considering the cannonade
cheep cheep
do the pages daily
as if by common accord, birds
no badly timed reflection
the tyranny of perfectionism
a reasonable future prognostication
collection of caliginous junk
that white guy defiance manifest
under her wing tips
a good, long dream you had
over time, the pieces of eden
this swift and graceless descent
this swamp of unbalanced formulas
love my lashes
as it is becoming
surging with girls
institutional inertia
many important people
designed to enlighten me
get my project on wheels
the gauze of this life
extremely obvious emblems
you know the babysitter's dead
laminated in plastic
occupational hazard
equal parts holiness and hangover
a wrong turn in the catacombs
take some stupid art class
assuming the chairmanship
leaves in a breeze
excrescence of the new world
soothe my fevered brow
remaining an integral cog
to be performed relentlessly
your almost militant commitment
an obvious ambivalence
with savage little jabs
end this conversation
the whispers of the universe
the spilled milk of dreams
a failure of communal spirit
to make these moves
the plane-filling motifs
making unapologetic nods
an aesthetic assessment
an arrogant fluorescent orange
moderately thunderstruck
how they get shitty anyway
a failure of imagination
its white walls were streaked
your mom will say:
engaging with escaping
the color of your eyes
purports to subvert, perverts to subject
a complete history of nothing
make a meal of the sexual innuendo
about taking care of babies
an anecdote to dine out on
in devastating fashion
every ruler's game
a feature of the creature feature
by its pointless circularity
in frightening, incoherent cycles
forced perspective
a barrage of scatological degradation
to sterilize the microbes of emotion
shi(r)ts in sherbe(r)t shades
the psychological impact of Whites
the staid, crunchy workhorse
to live life well
bizarre, tragic, and poetic
insufficient and detrimental
a vestigial morsel
snacks for the class snack basket
how we look
of a very limited type
with all your sweet talk
shown to be co-constitutive
a rarity in our fair city
an amazing blazer
a mastermind of comestible adventure
a matter of mutual industrial innovation
the glide and flick of the golden scales
before the metered firewall
tall according to his biography
an impressionable little thing
something that came mostly from beneath
unmasking the very process of masking
encomiums create an aura
outside the universe of discourse
with recourse to rhetorical contortions
the perpetual inadequacy of accumulation
and, consequently, flattening
with little balls and tassles hanging down
simultaneously subverting
let out a sound of joy
an apotheosis of sorts
or a revivifying whiff
in crisis rather than in accretion
this spotlight all the way back
instantaneously embracing deception
a tissue of citations
a scrim of discretion
often invasive, arousing the ire
on some propitiatory comment
the same word at times
angrily eat a potato
they remains opaque
all the endless bends
thinks for no appreciable reason
clenching and unclenching
eyes in the device
scribblers like me
solitary, alienated, and malcontent
makes me sick
congeal into norms, forms
the consuming repellence of feeling
these critical capabilities
backlit by flames
pattern-making ended
sung in the stillness of the stone
somewhat anthropomorphized
severe, metastasizing consequences
the wraparound and the scootabout
being and becoming
alien and antithetical
are you gonna eat that?
a sensory participant
the allegorized realities
a disgusting masterpiece
unique in my time
this smothering shrug
preternaturally perfect
the emotional wherewithal
linguistic hospitality
a blue, melting female form
according to a double dynamic
its most intimate iterations
molded substance with saw
will provide more redundancy
a fairly labored metaphor
of an entomological analog
a great black box
navigating the nowscape
tortured bourgeois ascendance
spiral of diminishing returns
the hybridity backfires
a dark and metamorphic discourse
but only for life
a numbing lassitude creeping
not by grace or rage
a futile and impotent criticism
in the shape of a killer
the imagination of all evil
out of their minds
generating inspired collisions
chilled and stilled protoplasm
lounging inside a vowel
the erection of the new structures
the hellscape of capitalism
vituperative, if lucrative
reasoning as we would recognize it
that was unconsciously dichotomous
a pharmacological intuit
were these creatures fools?
frankly ludicrous
in fine feather
even real scented rushes
"sell" sexual signifiers
impaling implements
in splendid isolation
such lovely sobriquets
this opera forevermore
a predetermined metanarrative
since the silent era
regarded as arbitrary
composed of hormones
mix me some metaphors
masquerading as crystals
hard, unvarnished truths
the equivocal chrysalis
signifiers with nothing signified
nodal points and fault lines
hoping to take you away
dissemble my distress
inadvertently evoking
queer flamboyance and libidinal femininity
understanding sometime
the last of us still live
you have nasty braces
such a trip as this
mendacious deceit, naturally essenced
pressure washers purchase from rear
somewhat cursorily
these fresh passages
a knife fight for a citrus drink
no hobos aboard
a symphony of imagery
knockin basquiats off the walls
with the crass recklessness
insisting on a somatic sympathy
for such an assorted assemblage
our heedless rapacity
before shooting began
cursing the obscurity
highly educated american generic
openly biased humanity
projecting outward like ectoplasm
communicating like a grown-up
due to the disciplines of scansion
the point where meaning collapses
reaction to a perceived violation
a unique visual music
a driving force that can influence
the oracles and arbiters of all
in a piecemeal fashion
preoccupied with that revelation
it was sand, he saw
the child babbles, rhythmically
these repeating patterns
the strongest force in nature
hiss and fizzle out
veering so severely
a clear sonic signature
involve considerable discomfort
the knotty symbiosis between
with marginal shame
the same amount of real
to activate the mechanism
isolate the asshole
alternative to the reckless path
more harmless forms
it goes categorically deeper
the permanent atomization of the internet
the authority of a revelation
gorgeous digital apparitions
a hog of a swell
what produces misplaced nostalgia
loss becomes my gain
a sour middle-aged hermit
relentless blankness comes to
against the destructive influence
the diminishing tide of rats
believe me i know
soup bra
"remember when we used to play?"
your indebtedness will pyramid
how controlled the feeling is
forcibly feminized
a vain effort to stave
colorful covers called
cultivate a messianic persona
roles to play and rules to break
give me time to think
defiant isolationism
perverse to find magnificence
sprung into being
an ontological orientation
could not be compared
everything that i've been doing
something that can come between us
the nourishing consolation of recognition
in a status-obsessed city
employed evolutionarily explicable cues
a ghost of both, a fusion
doses of utopian excess
beats to a double pulse
a recollection of an encounter
exactly the wrong direction
the grip of a corrective spirit
for the support of animated existence
illness expelling the toxins
rant-like spirals of praise
worlds that aren't there
established intellectual arenas
kind of unequivocally
characteristic of the context
facilitating intimacy
i should've suspected something
what a gift from god
to help ease congestion
poorly insulated walls
no trust in tomorrow
obstinate with mindlessness
obscured by euphemism
a family of idioms
an expensively irrelevant gloss
keep the menu changing
with this pathetic benediction
a forward-looking beast
to humble future me
an intuition of the abyss
repulsive and irresistible
a compendium of quotations
a very scheduled person
this tradition of innovation
include the following
tearing into carrion
a hulking presence shuffling
the milky white background
a variety of invectives
ostensibly the opposite
don't need a switchblade comb
an eclectic collection
with ominous calm, smoothed
pretty neatly cleaved
the toxicity that sent them into exile
to puncture pomposity
a phony, tony name
in an apprehensive pretzel
a trapdoor for later
false positives and negatives
the affectless, confounded version
raises blood pressure
material and canonical manifestations
hack to show knife
jumpers in a plaid agitation
enjoying reputation, sweet renown
a complicated calibration
political megalomania
creator of the clam chair
multiple rounds of wishful thinking
sneering yet humane
when we rise
somewhat synonymously
halt heavy hauling
a certain understated stupidity
a suitable uterus to rent
the anniversary of my portentous birth
a pharmaceutical solution
the true color of my thoughts
we carry for safety a pairing
a moronic, mealy taste
a non-sequitur memoir
a big psychological milestone
the apotheosis portfolio
an appalling wilderness of worlds
the dialect of negation
as shameless as an ocean
an uncanny inner fortitude
rising or falling so far
respiration of the gulf
the syrupy luxury of my blood
a wonderfully clarifying effect
the inky gorgeousness
saying anything to trying
an abstruse and complicated equation
a permanent human proclivity
formed to investigate
Flatten Them Into A Set
flatten them into a set
important in determining
the dangers of knowing
this is hell
smoke and snow
a very big job
bouncing back and forth between
about the hungry ghosts
a dizzy blending of genres
such glorious specimens
the world next door
in deference to consumerist nostrums
a certain kind of peace
taste waste ahead
mystifying for the reader
precise departure point
kinging is a precarious business
their antiphonal proposal
whatever its other contributions
a common bond for disruption
an ensemble of equals
shades of chambray
who could prevail against it
stage name john wayne
the phone hotel
the impurity of their stocklines
resistant to identify
a wily pipsqueak shapeshifter
composed of satanists
considering the cannonade
cheep cheep
do the pages daily
as if by common accord, birds
no badly timed reflection
the tyranny of perfectionism
a reasonable future prognostication
collection of caliginous junk
that white guy defiance manifest
under her wing tips
a good, long dream you had
over time, the pieces of eden
this swift and graceless descent
this swamp of unbalanced formulas
love my lashes
as it is becoming
surging with girls
institutional inertia
many important people
designed to enlighten me
get my project on wheels
the gauze of this life
extremely obvious emblems
you know the babysitter's dead
laminated in plastic
occupational hazard
equal parts holiness and hangover
a wrong turn in the catacombs
take some stupid art class
assuming the chairmanship
leaves in a breeze
excrescence of the new world
soothe my fevered brow
remaining an integral cog
to be performed relentlessly
your almost militant commitment
an obvious ambivalence
with savage little jabs
end this conversation
the whispers of the universe
the spilled milk of dreams
a failure of communal spirit
to make these moves
the plane-filling motifs
making unapologetic nods
an aesthetic assessment
an arrogant fluorescent orange
moderately thunderstruck
how they get shitty anyway
a failure of imagination
its white walls were streaked
your mom will say:
engaging with escaping
the color of your eyes
purports to subvert, perverts to subject
a complete history of nothing
make a meal of the sexual innuendo
about taking care of babies
an anecdote to dine out on
in devastating fashion
every ruler's game
a feature of the creature feature
by its pointless circularity
in frightening, incoherent cycles
forced perspective
a barrage of scatological degradation
to sterilize the microbes of emotion
shi(r)ts in sherbe(r)t shades
the psychological impact of Whites
the staid, crunchy workhorse
to live life well
bizarre, tragic, and poetic
insufficient and detrimental
a vestigial morsel
snacks for the class snack basket
how we look
of a very limited type
with all your sweet talk
shown to be co-constitutive
a rarity in our fair city
an amazing blazer
a mastermind of comestible adventure
a matter of mutual industrial innovation
the glide and flick of the golden scales
before the metered firewall
tall according to his biography
an impressionable little thing
something that came mostly from beneath
unmasking the very process of masking
encomiums create an aura
outside the universe of discourse
with recourse to rhetorical contortions
the perpetual inadequacy of accumulation
and, consequently, flattening
with little balls and tassles hanging down
simultaneously subverting
let out a sound of joy
an apotheosis of sorts
or a revivifying whiff
in crisis rather than in accretion
this spotlight all the way back
instantaneously embracing deception
a tissue of citations
a scrim of discretion
often invasive, arousing the ire
on some propitiatory comment
the same word at times
angrily eat a potato
they remains opaque
all the endless bends
thinks for no appreciable reason
clenching and unclenching
eyes in the device
scribblers like me
solitary, alienated, and malcontent
makes me sick
congeal into norms, forms
the consuming repellence of feeling
these critical capabilities
backlit by flames
pattern-making ended
sung in the stillness of the stone
somewhat anthropomorphized
severe, metastasizing consequences
the wraparound and the scootabout
being and becoming
alien and antithetical
are you gonna eat that?
a sensory participant
the allegorized realities
a disgusting masterpiece
unique in my time
this smothering shrug
preternaturally perfect
the emotional wherewithal
linguistic hospitality
a blue, melting female form
according to a double dynamic
its most intimate iterations
molded substance with saw
will provide more redundancy
a fairly labored metaphor
of an entomological analog
a great black box
navigating the nowscape
tortured bourgeois ascendance
spiral of diminishing returns
the hybridity backfires
a dark and metamorphic discourse
but only for life
a numbing lassitude creeping
not by grace or rage
a futile and impotent criticism
in the shape of a killer
the imagination of all evil
out of their minds
generating inspired collisions
chilled and stilled protoplasm
lounging inside a vowel
the erection of the new structures
the hellscape of capitalism
vituperative, if lucrative
reasoning as we would recognize it
that was unconsciously dichotomous
a pharmacological intuit
were these creatures fools?
frankly ludicrous
in fine feather
even real scented rushes
"sell" sexual signifiers
impaling implements
in splendid isolation
such lovely sobriquets
this opera forevermore
a predetermined metanarrative
since the silent era
regarded as arbitrary
composed of hormones
mix me some metaphors
masquerading as crystals
hard, unvarnished truths
the equivocal chrysalis
signifiers with nothing signified
nodal points and fault lines
hoping to take you away
dissemble my distress
inadvertently evoking
queer flamboyance and libidinal femininity
understanding sometime
the last of us still live
you have nasty braces
such a trip as this
mendacious deceit, naturally essenced
pressure washers purchase from rear
somewhat cursorily
these fresh passages
a knife fight for a citrus drink
no hobos aboard
a symphony of imagery
knockin basquiats off the walls
with the crass recklessness
insisting on a somatic sympathy
for such an assorted assemblage
our heedless rapacity
before shooting began
cursing the obscurity
highly educated american generic
openly biased humanity
projecting outward like ectoplasm
communicating like a grown-up
due to the disciplines of scansion
the point where meaning collapses
reaction to a perceived violation
a unique visual music
a driving force that can influence
the oracles and arbiters of all
in a piecemeal fashion
preoccupied with that revelation
it was sand, he saw
the child babbles, rhythmically
these repeating patterns
the strongest force in nature
hiss and fizzle out
veering so severely
a clear sonic signature
involve considerable discomfort
the knotty symbiosis between
with marginal shame
the same amount of real
to activate the mechanism
isolate the asshole
alternative to the reckless path
more harmless forms
it goes categorically deeper
the permanent atomization of the internet
the authority of a revelation
gorgeous digital apparitions
a hog of a swell
what produces misplaced nostalgia
loss becomes my gain
a sour middle-aged hermit
relentless blankness comes to
against the destructive influence
the diminishing tide of rats
believe me i know
soup bra
"remember when we used to play?"
your indebtedness will pyramid
how controlled the feeling is
forcibly feminized
a vain effort to stave
colorful covers called
cultivate a messianic persona
roles to play and rules to break
give me time to think
defiant isolationism
perverse to find magnificence
sprung into being
an ontological orientation
could not be compared
everything that i've been doing
something that can come between us
the nourishing consolation of recognition
in a status-obsessed city
employed evolutionarily explicable cues
a ghost of both, a fusion
doses of utopian excess
beats to a double pulse
a recollection of an encounter
exactly the wrong direction
the grip of a corrective spirit
for the support of animated existence
illness expelling the toxins
rant-like spirals of praise
worlds that aren't there
established intellectual arenas
kind of unequivocally
characteristic of the context
facilitating intimacy
i should've suspected something
what a gift from god
to help ease congestion
poorly insulated walls
no trust in tomorrow
obstinate with mindlessness
obscured by euphemism
a family of idioms
an expensively irrelevant gloss
keep the menu changing
with this pathetic benediction
a forward-looking beast
to humble future me
an intuition of the abyss
repulsive and irresistible
a compendium of quotations
a very scheduled person
this tradition of innovation
include the following
tearing into carrion
a hulking presence shuffling
the milky white background
a variety of invectives
ostensibly the opposite
don't need a switchblade comb
an eclectic collection
with ominous calm, smoothed
pretty neatly cleaved
the toxicity that sent them into exile
to puncture pomposity
a phony, tony name
in an apprehensive pretzel
a trapdoor for later
false positives and negatives
the affectless, confounded version
raises blood pressure
material and canonical manifestations
hack to show knife
jumpers in a plaid agitation
enjoying reputation, sweet renown
a complicated calibration
political megalomania
creator of the clam chair
multiple rounds of wishful thinking
sneering yet humane
when we rise
somewhat synonymously
halt heavy hauling
a certain understated stupidity
a suitable uterus to rent
the anniversary of my portentous birth
a pharmaceutical solution
the true color of my thoughts
we carry for safety a pairing
a moronic, mealy taste
a non-sequitur memoir
a big psychological milestone
the apotheosis portfolio
an appalling wilderness of worlds
the dialect of negation
as shameless as an ocean
an uncanny inner fortitude
rising or falling so far
respiration of the gulf
the syrupy luxury of my blood
a wonderfully clarifying effect
the inky gorgeousness
saying anything to trying
an abstruse and complicated equation
a permanent human proclivity
formed to investigate
flatten them into a set
important in determining
the dangers of knowing
this is hell
smoke and snow
a very big job
bouncing back and forth between
about the hungry ghosts
a dizzy blending of genres
such glorious specimens
the world next door
in deference to consumerist nostrums
a certain kind of peace
taste waste ahead
mystifying for the reader
precise departure point
kinging is a precarious business
their antiphonal proposal
whatever its other contributions
a common bond for disruption
an ensemble of equals
shades of chambray
who could prevail against it
stage name john wayne
the phone hotel
the impurity of their stocklines
resistant to identify
a wily pipsqueak shapeshifter
composed of satanists
considering the cannonade
cheep cheep
do the pages daily
as if by common accord, birds
no badly timed reflection
the tyranny of perfectionism
a reasonable future prognostication
collection of caliginous junk
that white guy defiance manifest
under her wing tips
a good, long dream you had
over time, the pieces of eden
this swift and graceless descent
this swamp of unbalanced formulas
love my lashes
as it is becoming
surging with girls
institutional inertia
many important people
designed to enlighten me
get my project on wheels
the gauze of this life
extremely obvious emblems
you know the babysitter's dead
laminated in plastic
occupational hazard
equal parts holiness and hangover
a wrong turn in the catacombs
take some stupid art class
assuming the chairmanship
leaves in a breeze
excrescence of the new world
soothe my fevered brow
remaining an integral cog
to be performed relentlessly
your almost militant commitment
an obvious ambivalence
with savage little jabs
end this conversation
the whispers of the universe
the spilled milk of dreams
a failure of communal spirit
to make these moves
the plane-filling motifs
making unapologetic nods
an aesthetic assessment
an arrogant fluorescent orange
moderately thunderstruck
how they get shitty anyway
a failure of imagination
its white walls were streaked
your mom will say:
engaging with escaping
the color of your eyes
purports to subvert, perverts to subject
a complete history of nothing
make a meal of the sexual innuendo
about taking care of babies
an anecdote to dine out on
in devastating fashion
every ruler's game
a feature of the creature feature
by its pointless circularity
in frightening, incoherent cycles
forced perspective
a barrage of scatological degradation
to sterilize the microbes of emotion
shi(r)ts in sherbe(r)t shades
the psychological impact of Whites
the staid, crunchy workhorse
to live life well
bizarre, tragic, and poetic
insufficient and detrimental
a vestigial morsel
snacks for the class snack basket
how we look
of a very limited type
with all your sweet talk
shown to be co-constitutive
a rarity in our fair city
an amazing blazer
a mastermind of comestible adventure
a matter of mutual industrial innovation
the glide and flick of the golden scales
before the metered firewall
tall according to his biography
an impressionable little thing
something that came mostly from beneath
unmasking the very process of masking
encomiums create an aura
outside the universe of discourse
with recourse to rhetorical contortions
the perpetual inadequacy of accumulation
and, consequently, flattening
with little balls and tassles hanging down
simultaneously subverting
let out a sound of joy
an apotheosis of sorts
or a revivifying whiff
in crisis rather than in accretion
this spotlight all the way back
instantaneously embracing deception
a tissue of citations
a scrim of discretion
often invasive, arousing the ire
on some propitiatory comment
the same word at times
angrily eat a potato
they remains opaque
all the endless bends
thinks for no appreciable reason
clenching and unclenching
eyes in the device
scribblers like me
solitary, alienated, and malcontent
makes me sick
congeal into norms, forms
the consuming repellence of feeling
these critical capabilities
backlit by flames
pattern-making ended
sung in the stillness of the stone
somewhat anthropomorphized
severe, metastasizing consequences
the wraparound and the scootabout
being and becoming
alien and antithetical
are you gonna eat that?
a sensory participant
the allegorized realities
a disgusting masterpiece
unique in my time
this smothering shrug
preternaturally perfect
the emotional wherewithal
linguistic hospitality
a blue, melting female form
according to a double dynamic
its most intimate iterations
molded substance with saw
will provide more redundancy
a fairly labored metaphor
of an entomological analog
a great black box
navigating the nowscape
tortured bourgeois ascendance
spiral of diminishing returns
the hybridity backfires
a dark and metamorphic discourse
but only for life
a numbing lassitude creeping
not by grace or rage
a futile and impotent criticism
in the shape of a killer
the imagination of all evil
out of their minds
generating inspired collisions
chilled and stilled protoplasm
lounging inside a vowel
the erection of the new structures
the hellscape of capitalism
vituperative, if lucrative
reasoning as we would recognize it
that was unconsciously dichotomous
a pharmacological intuit
were these creatures fools?
frankly ludicrous
in fine feather
even real scented rushes
"sell" sexual signifiers
impaling implements
in splendid isolation
such lovely sobriquets
this opera forevermore
a predetermined metanarrative
since the silent era
regarded as arbitrary
composed of hormones
mix me some metaphors
masquerading as crystals
hard, unvarnished truths
the equivocal chrysalis
signifiers with nothing signified
nodal points and fault lines
hoping to take you away
dissemble my distress
inadvertently evoking
queer flamboyance and libidinal femininity
understanding sometime
the last of us still live
you have nasty braces
such a trip as this
mendacious deceit, naturally essenced
pressure washers purchase from rear
somewhat cursorily
these fresh passages
a knife fight for a citrus drink
no hobos aboard
a symphony of imagery
knockin basquiats off the walls
with the crass recklessness
insisting on a somatic sympathy
for such an assorted assemblage
our heedless rapacity
before shooting began
cursing the obscurity
highly educated american generic
openly biased humanity
projecting outward like ectoplasm
communicating like a grown-up
due to the disciplines of scansion
the point where meaning collapses
reaction to a perceived violation
a unique visual music
a driving force that can influence
the oracles and arbiters of all
in a piecemeal fashion
preoccupied with that revelation
it was sand, he saw
the child babbles, rhythmically
these repeating patterns
the strongest force in nature
hiss and fizzle out
veering so severely
a clear sonic signature
involve considerable discomfort
the knotty symbiosis between
with marginal shame
the same amount of real
to activate the mechanism
isolate the asshole
alternative to the reckless path
more harmless forms
it goes categorically deeper
the permanent atomization of the internet
the authority of a revelation
gorgeous digital apparitions
a hog of a swell
what produces misplaced nostalgia
loss becomes my gain
a sour middle-aged hermit
relentless blankness comes to
against the destructive influence
the diminishing tide of rats
believe me i know
soup bra
"remember when we used to play?"
your indebtedness will pyramid
how controlled the feeling is
forcibly feminized
a vain effort to stave
colorful covers called
cultivate a messianic persona
roles to play and rules to break
give me time to think
defiant isolationism
perverse to find magnificence
sprung into being
an ontological orientation
could not be compared
everything that i've been doing
something that can come between us
the nourishing consolation of recognition
in a status-obsessed city
employed evolutionarily explicable cues
a ghost of both, a fusion
doses of utopian excess
beats to a double pulse
a recollection of an encounter
exactly the wrong direction
the grip of a corrective spirit
for the support of animated existence
illness expelling the toxins
rant-like spirals of praise
worlds that aren't there
established intellectual arenas
kind of unequivocally
characteristic of the context
facilitating intimacy
i should've suspected something
what a gift from god
to help ease congestion
poorly insulated walls
no trust in tomorrow
obstinate with mindlessness
obscured by euphemism
a family of idioms
an expensively irrelevant gloss
keep the menu changing
with this pathetic benediction
a forward-looking beast
to humble future me
an intuition of the abyss
repulsive and irresistible
a compendium of quotations
a very scheduled person
this tradition of innovation
include the following
tearing into carrion
a hulking presence shuffling
the milky white background
a variety of invectives
ostensibly the opposite
don't need a switchblade comb
an eclectic collection
with ominous calm, smoothed
pretty neatly cleaved
the toxicity that sent them into exile
to puncture pomposity
a phony, tony name
in an apprehensive pretzel
a trapdoor for later
false positives and negatives
the affectless, confounded version
raises blood pressure
material and canonical manifestations
hack to show knife
jumpers in a plaid agitation
enjoying reputation, sweet renown
a complicated calibration
political megalomania
creator of the clam chair
multiple rounds of wishful thinking
sneering yet humane
when we rise
somewhat synonymously
halt heavy hauling
a certain understated stupidity
a suitable uterus to rent
the anniversary of my portentous birth
a pharmaceutical solution
the true color of my thoughts
we carry for safety a pairing
a moronic, mealy taste
a non-sequitur memoir
a big psychological milestone
the apotheosis portfolio
an appalling wilderness of worlds
the dialect of negation
as shameless as an ocean
an uncanny inner fortitude
rising or falling so far
respiration of the gulf
the syrupy luxury of my blood
a wonderfully clarifying effect
the inky gorgeousness
saying anything to trying
an abstruse and complicated equation
a permanent human proclivity
formed to investigate
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