to puncture pomposity

"To Puncture Pomposity," December 4, 2022 (#338)

title from Dewey and Elvis: The Life and Times of a Rock 'n' Roll Deejay by Louis Cantor (2005)

Shout!: The Beatles in their Generation by Philip Norman (1981)

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer (2005)

To Puncture Pomposity

Squads of bounders, equipped with blood lust and weapons to rival

all of the people named Black and learning what they knew about

the same transformation--against much the same resistance--

were trying to make our lives easier, trying, with all of our rules,

the top of the bill. To add to their unease, a glimpse through the

homeless people and millionaires living in the same city

wondered how, for instance, such an apparition could possibly

read about it in any of the history books, because there's nothing

in a mood for conversation. One snapshot, from the hundreds,

would have given myself the biggest bruise of my life. I would.






