everything that i've been doing

"Everything That I've Been Doing," October 17, 2022 (#290)

title from "Confessions Part I" by Usher (2004)

The Confessions of St. Augustine trans. Rex Warner (1969)

Confessions of a Crap Artist by Philip K. Dick (1975)

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins (2004)

Everything That I've Been Doing

I believed that evil also was some such a kind of substance;

it paid about a dollar and a half an hour, and the milkers got

the small dining room table set with an assortment of cheeses and

grave danger indeed, my danger being that of despairing of ever

studying. He had shut the door to the living room to diminish

freethinkers, at least by conventional standards. Others were executives

and are looking for something quite different, they thrust themselves

without knowledge, and accurate choice is only possible where

in a strange way, they symbolized the story of my life, a glossy veneer

that one turn of that little wooden wheel constituted,

the front door of the house standing open. Evidently

a few walked in tandem and chatted with each other.




A Tasty Treat (L'Éducation d'Azor) by Jehan Georges Vibert (date unknown) (here)


from here