such a trip as this

"Such a Trip as This," August 9, 2022 (#221)

title from To Tame the Land by Louis L'Amour (1940)

The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain (1934)

The Post (2017)

The Ring (2002)

The Fireman by Joe Hill (2016)

Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov (1962)

Such a Trip as This

They talk, now. The pictures, I mean. And when I began

to see things get sorted properly,

it's a little wrinkled. It's fine. Yeah,

the news loves this. Look. Look at the

burning in my brain. I mesmerized

the truth, and maybe you are. But if you are

surprised at the natural wonder of the child,

it won't go any further. It won't go

out of the cell with rubber gloves and

intellectuals should lack all sense of humor,

and the funny part was that in another

act as an exemplification for freedom,

sometimes it’s just not meant to be

an exotic plant, the solid blue of a

mouth twisted in a sour frown.






