this smothering shrug

"This Smothering Shrug," June 11, 2022 (#162)

title from Stephen King's Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Booksellers Association presentation speech by Clive Barker (2007)

Just After Sunset: Stories by Stephen King (2008)

Evening by Susan Minot (2007)

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (2005)

Twilight of the Superheroes: Stories by Deborah Eisenberg (2006)

This Smothering Shrug

She tried as hard as she could and knew it wasn’t going to

hide in the elephant ear plant, playing jungle. Once

the waiting room was more unpleasant than I'd feared,

despite the obvious indications to the contrary,

I jumped into my clothes, moving with numb but

concrete things. Where she'd lived. Let's see

more information in a whisper. Class had started but

with melancholy affection. They were still young, almost

counting the letters in that sign and coming out with

a sound to show she was still there. No. But why ever

make up for not being terrified before. I gave up quickly

exceptional, rich and graceful. I turn my head to look.





