a recollection of an encounter

"A Recollection of an Encounter," October 25, 2022 (#298)

title from "Narrowing Valley" by Jonathan Lethem (October 24, 2022)

Fury by Salman Rushdie (2001)

The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (1929)

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff (2015)

Fate, Time and Language: An Essay on Free Will by David Foster Wallace (2010)

A Recollection of an Encounter

There was always an American Express office open somewhere in the

kitchen. See can you let him alone now, less you dont want to go to that

callback for a week now, unwilling to leave the apartment for fear,

a concern about the world as a whole. This is the central irony of the

friend’s blazing eyes, the self-loathing fire of his rage. It took

the river to the bridge. We crossed it and the tracks, people coming

to investigate, and there would be an eerie soft singing out beyond

a statement about a future event which he could know, in the present, to be

blocks away (some days it seemed as if they were digging up the whole town)

in a car and he’s bound to show off. I got in and went on around the square

corner gelatined in her sleep, and her lapdog sniffed the air voluptuously

as agents can do nothing but go with the flow over which they enjoy absolutely

terrible feelings of loss. The doll thing was just a way of getting there.



from here


10-25-22 HSPVA