your indebtedness will pyramid

"Your Indebtedness Will Pyramid," October 4, 2022 (#277)

title from Speedway (1968)

Intimations by Zadie Smith (2020)

Indignation by Philip Roth (2008)

last line from Advanced Elvis Course by C.A. Conrad (2009)

Your Indebtedness Will Pyramid

The ape is caged by its nature, by its instincts, and by its

goddamn sense of duty. I will not take one more round of

wrong health insurance--or none. Wrong attitude to the

stronger reasons to keep away from her. I didn’t drink, my

plan to be conceived: accept our friends' invitation to stay in

appealing to prejudice, i.e., an ad hominem attack, which is

called "the imposition of toxic narrative over phenomena"--

delivering orders as though everyone on the road is a maniac

low enough that they can feel confident of the impossibility of

everybody all the time. Provocation and rebellion and censure

are the world's ridiculous, beautiful clowns. Get used to it my people!




(from here)

