you have nasty braces

"You Have Nasty Braces," August 8, 2022 (#220)

title from high school freshman bestie (1999)

On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal by Naomi Klein (2019)

Bonfire by Krysten Ritter (2017)

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King (2000)

Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks (2017)

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (2020)

You Have Nasty Braces

These fine folks had made time in their busy schedules to come to a

rear window with a finger. Real original. When I step onto the

heater, watching to see if my brother would fall off the roof or make

some air and a few moments away from the crowd,

the common denominator of values that are the foundation

they have relied on for thousands of years, now growing earlier,

got shut out of all the big projects. Then, when I missed deadlines

they can’t think of any other way to waste your time. The most notorious

fruit salad from a decorative dugout canoe at the hotel buffet,

my now roofless existence not only had me searching for my bearings,

all kind of glommed together in a self-adhesive mass,

even a mannequin with blond hair hanging floppy-necked

should realize that I’m only talking about my own personal mode of

experiences—one could spend the day doing anything

trying to understand each other. That’s different.







