the same amount of real

"The Same Amount of Real," September 15, 2022 (#258)

title from "The Subversive Joy of Lil Nas X's Gay Pop Stardom" by Jazmine Hughes (July 7, 2021)

The Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay (2019)

Bad Feminist: Essays by Roxane Gay (2014)

The Bridge: The Building of the Verrazano–Narrows Bridge by Gay Talese (1964)

The Same Amount of Real

Refusing the premise of our un-innocence entirely and

we’re talking about the old-fashioned Internet, in 1994—

most of its 225,000 citizens lived in one-family houses. It was

holding it not by the handle but sort of clutching it from above,

talking about bodies and fat and the petty betrayals of the flesh

strung up between the towers and the anchorages, and then to get

an etymological connection between thinking and thanking

a single woman. She was a teenage mother herself. She

was bringing his tug with its big steel caboose toward the

barista where he might urinate if he couldn’t pee.

The Bee Friend by Hans Thoma (1863-64) (here)


12-24-15 of...1971

10-14-21 of 1991

10-14-21 HSPVA