mystifying for the reader

"Mystifying for the Reader," January 15, 2022 (#15)

title from the New Yorker's "The Case Against the Trauma Plot" by Parul Sehgal (December 27, 2021)

Pop Song: Adventures in Art & Intimacy by Larissa Pham (2021)

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk MD (2014)

two lines from "ARTPOP" by Lady Gaga (2014)

two lines from "Pop Art Blue" by Zero 7 (2009)

Mystifying for the Reader

Today I don’t even remember what I was so upset about.

Brushes with darkness won't help you create

the biological systems that are meant to help us cope with the

prefab house full of white furniture, white textiles, white walls, every

ability to feel pleasure and curiosity, to grow and develop emotionally

stuck down here with the mortals among gray-green sage bushes and

floating up, we were floating like particles into the night.

A hybrid can withstand these things

by learning to distinguish and appreciate shades of gray

like the idea of a poem or piece of writing that stretches toward

interior images and words, and on the body

her story takes an unavoidably mythic turn: she resurfaced

just about anything to feel calmer and more in control.

Writing this down now, I’m reminded of a conversation

in which we slowly set up conditions for him to create

in mastering, whatever the mastering had done,

a long-standing puzzle in my own mind,

the kind of show a visitor could read

as the sun drops off the page.





illustration from The Gunslinger by Stephen King


