the nourishing consolation of recognition

"The Nourishing Consolation of Recognition," October 19, 2022 (#292)

title from "What Ghost Stories Taught Me About My Queer Self" by Nell Stevens (October 15, 2022)

I'm Starved for You by Margaret Atwood (2012)

Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem by Anthony Bozza (2003)

The Nourishing Consolation of Recognition

A voyeur’s urge to hide behind the hedge, that cedar hedge

where police officers will escort us through the side door,

would also be available, although, to avoid overexcitement,

the former dishwasher from the local grill who pops his mom’s pills

is going in and she is coming out, or vice versa. Then more waiting

maintained ownership of their recordings, received 50 percent of

chicken snoopers recording numbers on flow charts and graphs. But

that included a free three-month subscription to the magazine

and eventually those pathways will lead him to a point of intersection

and the ruins of its past industry are everywhere, as easy to eyeball as

meat-production efficiencies, and it eliminates cruelty to animals

as intoxicating and unstable as a crack habit. It is a love-hate bind.

from here





from here
