extremely obvious emblems

"Extremely Obvious Emblems," February 21, 2022 (#52)

title from Dead Languages by David Shields (1989)

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk (1996)

The Dead Father's Club by Matt Haig (2006)

The Liars' Club by Mary Karr (1995)

two lines from The Club by Tagis Würger (2019)

one line from The Baby-Sitter's Club: Claudia and Mean Janine: A Graphic Novel by Ann M. Martin and Raina Telgemeier (2008)

Extremely Obvious Emblems

Since England did all the exploration and built colonies and made maps,

some people try and do horrible and violent things in the name of their religion.

I was excited, and wondered whether the children would become my friends,

piling a plate up for me as you would for a linebacker. Meanwhile, I'd

either sleep here, or stay up all night at an after-hours dance club. We don’t go to

the Bottle Banks but I still couldnt see Dads Ghost and I said Can anyone help

the smell of wet newsprint, like a paper you'd picked off a dew-soaked lawn?

You close your eyes and meditate to the palace of the seven doors, and you can still feel

dark, disturbing works, full of violence, hatred and insanity. They're works of

smoke while paging through back issues of Vogue, some blues record in the

projectionist that you find stashed away in the booth, and you splice this frame of a

candle and a man hanging in a tree and a gold colour dog with blood on his chest

so lights shoot at us from all kinds of crazy angles. I am kneeling right next to

a jeweler’s drill to drill a hole through the top of a computer monitor. All the space

looked in the air and looked on the ground at the broken glass and there was a

technique that kept me from throwing up when I rode the Tilt-A-Whirl

the whole rest of the night in that white and glass dinner party in the sky.

It was in my mind yes it was in my mind yes yes it was in my mind.

You must practice, practice, practice if you want to learn.



From here.




