openly biased humanity

"Openly Biased Humanity," August 25, 2022 (#237)

title from "Words and Music: Our 60 Favorite Music Books" by (2011)

The Sportswriter by Richard Ford (1986)

The Ghost Writer by Philip Roth (1979)

The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton by Jefferson Morley (2017)

Harlot's Ghost: A Novel by Norman Mailer (1991)

Openly Biased Humanity

When I was married to X, I hated the grinding summer

snowplow to clear the trails that twisted for miles

to get control of the organization, particularly its covert

attempt to become a good courtroom lawyer in sixteen

bathing suits, cause we might take a swim.

The first man of letters to be named a man of power

distributed the document to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and

had fifty photographs on the wall, silver-framed shots

that happened between us, nothing that either of us

will not do anything else I ask, at least

making the right assumptions about the defectors

out of the ordinary course of things. The prime question

should try resurrection in today's complex world,

part of the record of the misery. It wasn’t

ruining careers and reputations in search for

a good deal to ask of an untried invasion.

From here.


8-25-22 HSPVA


8-25-22 HSPVA

