a dark and metamorphic discourse

"A Dark and Metamorphic Discourse," June 27, 2022 (#178)

title from Seasons of Misery: Catastrophe and Colonial Settlement in Early America by Kathleen Donegan (2013)

The Dark Half by Stephen King (1989)

The Dark Hours by Michael Connelly (2021)

last line from Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer (2016)

A Dark and Metamorphic Discourse

Both of these cases had been extremely strange, but

I don't understand why you would call me if this didn't

do with Endsville, the place where all rail service terminates

every couple hours or so. Just keep a watch on this. You have

a big smile, disclosing teeth which were either capped or so perfect

asking them was not an option. Their loyalties would be with their

terror overlaid with loud, roaring confusion. And there was no

foam earplugs from the bed table to help blunt the normal

electric typewriter to get in touch with the late great

tactical alert again following civil disturbances

exhibiting symptoms with which you were

big enough for the two of us. I own the

“world’s most powerful mercenary army.”






