a wily pipsqueak shapeshifter

"A Wily Pipsqueak Shapeshifter," January 28, 2022 (#28)

title from The Soul Thief from Charles Baxter (2007)

Unveiled: The Hidden Lives of Nuns by Cheryl L. Reed (2004)

The God Wave by Patrick Hemstreet (2016)

one line from Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (2002)

one line from B is for Burglar by Sue Grafton (1985)

one line from "'The Power of the Dog' is Jane Campion's Anti-Western," by Anthony Lane (November 17, 2021), quoting Psalm 22:20 from the King James Bible

A Wily Pipsqueak Shapeshifter

At first I was repulsed by the idea of eating someone

bought off for the price of a steak with tranquilizers in it.

I'd discovered a religious community unlike any I'd

decided we couldn't afford to slack off on

the waste in my own life: the closets full of

looking for a hidden message somewhere.

No one really knows exactly how the habit came to be.

The surge of adrenaline he'd felt at the first sight of the

midwife is the rule rather than the exception. Women

had no idea that something beyond these waves existed

with the medieval custom of plenary indulgences,

things and locations in the Deeps that are strictly

giving into tears. That is not good. What will your

menu sheet slipped into a clear plastic cover

deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from

one of the things that made her a good candidate?






still from Hairspray (1988)
