out of their minds

"Out of their Minds," July 4, 2022 (#185)

title from Elvis Presley: The Searcher (2018)

Independence Day (1996)

Independence Day by Richard Ford (1995)

Out of their Minds

They're communicating with a hidden signal. They're going to attack

this one or don't buy one from me at all--you're going to have to

RUMBLE. The SHADOW engulfs them, silencing the Mechanics

lying on their bellies, shoulder to shoulder, chatting, winking and

the horrifying image of the destruction of the helicopter replays on the

brake. "'I didn't know this shit could hold its breath so long?' Is it?"

by the hand she moves to the large garage doors but she can't open them

where there's a hedged veranda with ficuses and azaleas and hibiscus and a magical view of the

large holding clamps on either side of the craft. With a loud CLANK, the clamps are pulled away. For

white, green, blue and pink frame houses with green and red roofs and neat little cemetery-plot yards,

we SEE the WAVE OF DESTRUCTION growing outwardly from the epicenter, ENGULFING ALL OF WASHINGTON.







The Great Gatsby (2013)