a scrim of discretion

"A Scrim of Discretion," May 13, 2022 (#133)

title from "The Bacchanal of 1920s Hollywood, via Frederica Sagor Maas," You Must Remember This #133, "The Seduced" episode 2

The Art of Philosophy by Peter Sloterdijk (2007)

The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh (2007)

last line from Authority by Jeff VanDerMeer (2014)

A Scrim of Discretion

Just as the history of science usually presumes that

the sunshine embraces the flower, and the energy of the

laboratory where mental photographs provide precise, tangible

excitement, any joy, and of course no happiness,

specific schools should only ever be conducted in brackets of

the wholesome, the good, the true, and the beautiful within

a consultancy contract at a royal court. In late antiquity,

humans are made of nonhuman elements. We appeared on the

disinterested contemplation “on the other side."

Awakening is your task. By skillful means, you can

be pushed aside as troublesome delusions. The metaphysician

can help you stop your habitual thinking and go back to

ask was why they hadn’t been kept separate from one another.




