snacks for the class snack basket

"Snacks for the Class Snack Basket," April 14, 2022 (#104)

title from South ParQ Vaccination Special (2021)

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro (2015)

The Giant's House by Elizabeth McCracken (1996)

Red Ant House by Ann Cummins (2001)

Giant (1956)

Snacks for the Class Snack Basket

Our hero has killed both monsters. One took its

job and was moving to California. To be an actor? we asked. Close

the mountain and then in the other direction along the flat

flat plain as the car approaches

with both hands. This posture, Axl knew, was premature,

like handwriting practiced on ruled paper. The side of the

white guts were not visible in the mess on the table

off the ground. We note the bridle reins are gone,

as well as a section of the next chamber, whose floor

was so stingy he felt his first initial was enough for his

show of his bottle, waving it around, drinking from

interest as the turkey spreads his tail magnificently and

thinking it might recover itself with eating

how I felt about that.

4-10-22 of art by Mark Rothko


4-9-22 of art by Tom Friedman

4-10-22 of art by Tom Sachs

From Song of the South (1946)


poster for Giant (1956)
