the erection of the new structures

"The Erection of New Structures," July 8, 2022 (#189)

title from Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser (1900)

The Strong-Willed Child: Birth Through Adolescence by Dr. James Dobson (1992)

The Beast in Me and Other Animals: A Collection of Pieces and Drawings About Human Beings and Less Alarming Creatures by James Thurber (1948)

The Erection of New Structures

To test the authority of their parents during the second seven-month period,

the resulting explosions bringing instantly to mind the amusingly monumental

screaming at the kids and sitting on my son to keep him from hitting and kicking

intended to be standing alongside the irate speaker, but I started his head up too,

a black and white vehicle in hot pursuit with nineteen lights flashing in the rear view

awaited their coming in the highest apprehension, I tapping my fingers, my hostess

an anguished cry of "foul play" from the greedy profiteers whose pockets were lined with

the invention of the story-coated advertising medium that either fascinates or distresses

a short attention span and flits from one activity to another. I took him to his pediatrician;

this was not a precise method of measurement, either, since there is no way of figuring

sexual extravaganzas and experimental life styles. They produced unwanted children.






