angrily eat a potato

"Angrily Eat a Potato," May 17, 2022 (#137)

title from Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping by Matthew Salesses (2021)

Dreamcatcher by Stephen King (2001)

Firestarter by Stephen King (1980)

Angrily Eat a Potato

"We’re two happy whoremasters,” Beaver said, but although

a man put knives into his body—his legs, his belly, his chest, his neck--

remember the name of the insurance company, but they call

the gored ruin of his empty eyesocket

sleepy in spite of the voices tumbling around

the dark-red stables with their fresh piping of white paint

with packed snow around the roof-lights. Being arrested

had begun their perhaps inevitable change into a bright,

rumble of the plow, strong enough to vibrate the pictures on

everything you suspect, everything you theorize

was a fireplace, a stone chimney, an oak dining table.

The second helping just didn’t seem to taste good.



5-15-22 of art by Jeff Koons

5-15-22 of art by Takashi Murakami

5-13-22 of art by Richard Prince

Easy Rider (1969)


